The Beginning
The morning was warmer than I expected it would be, and light was already flooding into my neighborhood. At this point I was worried that I had set my alarm for too late, so I filmed a couple scenes and headed off. Luckily, the area I was planning on shooting in was only about three minutes away, so I arrived rather quickly. Once there, I realized that my worrying was out of place, as the main subject I wanted to capture was still covered in shadows. Patiently, I scouted around the area for other possible shots while filming some more scenes that would be a part of our very first "Photography Adventure" series known as Long Exposure. Eventually I came away with two images that I was fairly happy with.
The first is of a field near a parking lot where a lone tree and patch of vegetation caught the morning light in a very pleasing way -

One thing I would like to mention is that during this entire adventure, the whole idea behind Visual Ventures was just that. An idea. It wasn't until later on during a trip with two friends, that we really talked about what we could do together, and decided to transform this idea into a reality. Such excitement followed as we were quick to think about the future and our success, but we do recognize that we have to focus on the present in order for a future to even exist.
Following this first image, I made my way over to the gentle and small waterfall, where I would proceed to capture this scene -

After I took this shot, I decided to wrap up filming and head home as I had brushed up against something that was making my leg sting considerably. I was unsure about how the photos would turn out in the end, but I was still ecstatic thinking about how I had finally made the effort to get out there and film. I knew that it would be the first of many adventures, but I did not know it would be the first of something so much more. If you made it this far, thanks for reading and I encourage you to check out some other blogs as well as our gallery!